“On the Emergence of an Ecological Class: a Memo” – Watch!

“On the Emergence of an Ecological Class: a Memo” – Watch!

Last Fall, materia hosted a hybrid roundtable discussion of “On the Emergence of an Ecological Class: a Memo”, by Bruno Latour and Nikolaj Schultz, in collaboration with Bio/Geo/Cosmopolíticas and NYU – Buenos Aires. The event was held on Thursday, November 30th, at 9am PST/ 14h BsAs.
It featured guests from several locations and perspectives:
Noelia Billi and Fermín Rodríguez, from Universidad de Buenos Aires;
Ximena Briceño and Héctor Hoyos, from ILAC, Stanford
Angèle Christin, from Communication, Stanford
Gabriel Giorgi, from CONICET NYU
Martín de Mauro, from CONICET UNC


Link to Watch: https://stanford.zoom.us/rec/share/L-kTNxFFn94ync6sYU1hRJ4Nu-1gKlcyxfTv3U0VxalZPmytk6gf8SX9i1Hc8bAz.WsGtNw-Gjaz5850T

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