Materia 2020-2021 Testimonials

“So far, materia events have been some of the most interesting and engaging conversations I’ve experienced at Stanford. I really appreciated the discussion from earlier this month with Arndt Niebisch & Gisela Heffes and specifically the discussion of ‘viruses.’ I wrote a research proposal for the FEMGEN class I took this quarter that focused...

Materia 2020-2021 Calendar

Building on our meetings from previous years, the main theme for the this academic year will be “Life & Transmission.” We have an exciting (virtual!) line-up of discussion sessions and guest speakers joining us this year. FALL Oct 1:  Money & War: discussion led by Colin Drum (UC Santa Cruz) & Harleen Kaur Bagga (Stanford) Nov 5:  Impolitical...

Materia 2019-2020 Calendar

Building on our meetings from previous years, the main theme for the new academic year will be “Information & Form” We have an exciting line-up of reading sessions and guest speakers joining us this year.   FALL Oct 7:  Reading Session Nov 4:  Borders & Technology double-lecture with Tom McEnaney (UC Berkeley) And Micah Donohue (ENMU) WINTER Jan 27: Secrecy &...

Materia 2018-2019 Testimonials

"Materia has been a key academic discussion setting to help me think through my investigative interests and methodological frameworks. Its interdisciplinary character has provided me with an enriching exposal to a variety of possibilities of approaching theories of material phenomena and corporeal life, and to think of literature, feminism and cultural theory in a...

Materia 2018/19 Calendar

2018-2019 Calendar Building on our meetings from previous years, the main theme for the new academic year will be “Re-assemblage.” We have an exciting line-up of reading sessions and guest speakers joining us this year.   FALL Oct 4: Andrés Burbano, los Andes & Orit Halpern, Concordia University Oct 29: Reading Discussion Nov 29: Bonnie Honig, Brown University WINTER Jan 24: Reading...

In previous years

Since Fall Quarter 2014, materia has hold twelve workshops and a conference to date. The former averaged twenty-five participants; the latter had over seventy. During the first year, the group discussed--and coined-- the notion of “post-anthropocentric” as an umbrella term that sets in conversation a host of otherwise divisive trends. This is in itself...

Materia 2017-2018

Power and the Non-Human The main theme of the third year was “Power and the Non-Human.” We took our cues, among other sources, from the rich discussion of the New York city blackout of 1977 in Jane Bennett, the quasi-novelization of the Cuban history of tobacco and sugar in Fernando Ortiz, and the multifarious elucidations...