CFP: Symploke Issue on Materialism
Materialisms (Vol. 24, No. 1 [2016])
Welcome are papers that engage diverse questions of materialism and materiality. We are especially interested in papers that are in dialogue with emergent accounts of materiality and materialism, from new materialist, feminist materialist, speculative realist, and object-oriented accounts of materiality to rethinking of concepts of materiality and materialism in Marxist theory, ecotheory, biopolitical theory, affect theory, animal studies, and posthumanisms. Can “materialism” serve as a new organizing principle for the humanities (as “culture” and “language” did at an earlier moment)? What kinds of questions does a focus on materialisms and materiality open up? What kinds of questions does it close down? How can different forms of materialist speculation be brought into productive dialogue with each other? Should certain materialist approaches be privileged over others? Can we bring newer approaches to the topics of materiality and materialism into dialogue with older forms of materialism?
Deadline: 31 December 2015.
Submission details, and more information about Symploke, can be found here.